A Will is an important document that when properly drafted and executed according to the provisions of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act, that will give instructions that must be followed upon a person’s death regarding how they would like their estate to be handled by appointing an executor and guardians of any infant children. We will prepare a Will that fits your needs at a reasonable cost.
It is important to consider who you would like to be the executor of your Will. You may also be choosing a guardian for your children and trustee for your estate which are important decisions. Family members and those who will benefit under the estate are often obvious choices, but consideration should also be placed on the fact that a lot of work is required to administer an estate so choosing someone who is generally well organized is crucial.
A Power of Attorney is a document which allows a person (adult) to authorize another person (attorney) to sign documents and act on their behalf. A Power of Attorney can be used for financial arrangements such as buying/selling assets and also for health care decisions. A Power of Attorney can be for a specific purpose and time period such as authorizing someone to sign documents to sell a house while you are out of town; or a Power of Attorney can be general in its scope and authorize a person to do anything that you could. The Power of Attorney can be revoked at any time you choose. The Power of Attorney allows the attorney to make decisions and take actions when we become unable to act for ourselves.
We can provide services for:
- Wills, Family Wills
- Power of Attorney for Property
- Power of Attorney for Personal Care
- Non-continuing power of attorney for property
- Power of Attorney for Sale of Property or Buying Property
- Notarizing Documents for Proof of Authenticity